Credit Card Payments. You can make a secure credit card payment for your cleaning services here.
Thank you for selecting Erie House Cleaning Service for your home cleaning needs. We are your locally owned cleaning service, serving Erie and surrounding areas for over 22 years.
Spending time with your family is just a phone call away...
Call Today! (814)-806-2553
Locally Owned and Operated since 1987
Erie House Cleaning Service
1839 W. 32nd Street, Erie, PA 16508
Servicing Erie, Millcreek, Harborcreek, Fairview, Edinboro and all surrounding areas, including:
- Amity Township
- Concord Township
- Conneaut Township
- Elk Creek Township
- Fairview Township
- Franklin Township
- Girard Township
- Greene Township
- Greenfield Township
- Harborcreek Township
- LeBoeuf Township
- Lawrence Park
- McKean Township
- Millcreek Township
- North East Township
- Springfield Township
- Summit Township
- Union Township
- Venango Township
- Washington Township
- Waterford Township
- Wayne Township
(C) Copyright 2009, 2010 - Erie House Cleaning Service, Inc. All rights reserved.